Circuit Training

Yesterday morning, my girlfriends and I shared our first post-Christmas workout together at E2 and were given the opportunity to circuit train with the new owner Kyle. It looks so much easier sitting from the couch, with a bowl of ice cream, watching 'The Biggest Loser' contestants drip in sweat as they pull-up, dip down, squat with weights, toss weighted sports balls in the air, play tug-a-war with ropes and then repeat once more with a few extra push-ups in the mix all the while having a trainer joyfully enjoy his job of "encouraging" you to squat lower or throw higher. 
Kyle is an extremely talented, gifted guy and he knows what he's doing when in the gym setting. My muscles trust him. (not sure they thank him today!) Us three ladies found ourselves rotating through these circuit training exercises enjoying the moment and trusting they would eventually get us to our personal goals. (a stronger, faster runner) It wasn't until later in the day, and this morning, when I attempted to get out of bed that it hit me...
or hurt me. 
Life has us all on a circuit training course creating muscle memory, stronger bodies and minds, and to make us a better person. 
There are moments in my life where I feel like "I've been down that road before" or "here we go again." Situations that I should have learned the first time but for some reason, I needed to try again. I believe that God gives me these moments to build stronger character in my life. Opportunities to try to do things better, make me strong, see things differently. 
I had times in my life where I needed to exercise my forgiveness muscle daily; sometimes hourly. Situations that need grace as the minutes flew by in the day. I had to put my heart on a circuit training workout so that I could do what God commands me to do. There were moments where I had no desire to change or become stronger but I knew that God wanted me to once again, repeat the exercise of forgiveness. 
Or how about that child that sucks every ounce of patience from my savings account? Having to repeat that circuit training workout of offering grace and patience to that "sweet" child is a choice which results in huge pride for the little blessings that were given to me. 
Think of it as our faith muscle. 
Sometimes it seems as if we walk through the same pain or feel stuck in a negative situation, but remember that God is in the business of building a better you and waiting for us to never grow tired of depending on Him more. The more we read the Bible and sit in conversation with Him, the stronger our faith muscles become. Then, once in a taunting situation or devastating moment, those faith muscles will remember, trust, and rely on God to carry us through. 
Today My Hero was not feeling so hot as she was hanging over the kitchen sink with my amazing mother tenderly rubbing her back. My Hero has been on a circuit training workout for nearly seven years and her body is feeling spent. There has been very few times where she has complained about the pain, the treatments, or the sheer exhaustion of this long run with cancer. She has faced it with courage and her faith muscles have never been stronger. 
I pray that someday God will see that My Hero is strong enough to go find a new workout. Something that will give her great delight and joy. A race with less physical fatigue and more physical strength. Strength that she has not known for many years. 
I thank God for allowing me to repeat training exercises and pray that when placed in front of the pull-up bar I can not shiver in pain, but rejoice in the truth it will teach me knowing that God is my coach and will never leave me alone. 
So, I welcome the training and pray I can learn to approach life with my faith muscle, remembering to not give up, but to keep on running, training, and becoming a stronger me. 

Christ-MAS 2013

From the Broersma Five...
 We pray all our readers may have the gift of CHRIST in their own families this year. May you all feel the weight of a little baby and know the promise of salvation through the manger. As my SIL reminded us on Sunday last week that 'MAS" means more and as we have a birthday party for the King today, may we not forget that we can never have enough of baby Jesus. We praise God for the glorious riches He has given us in 2013 and excitedly wait for 2014 to arrive. MERRY CHRISTMAS and let us strive for more of Jesus this next year!!!

{ Melissa & Michaela have grown as an extension of our family. 
God is doing BIG things in their lives and we are blessed to be apart of the miracles in their lives. }

{ Christmas Eve traditional P.J. gifts }

{ The silly things a mom does to make herself look "cool" to her growing daughter. I sacrificed my adult jammies for zebra printed tacky jammies this year. The things we do for love..OH oh. }

{ It's official. Melissa is now going to deliver home-made cinnamon rolls from this year forward no matter where she is living. 
Round one is done and seconds are coming soon. }

{ Bed-head, naughty eyes, and the precious gift in the manger. It is a BLESSED Christmas. }

{ From our little blessings to yours; we Wish YOU a Merry Christmas! }

Crossing my Red Sea

This week has many implications of past disappointments, struggles, hardships, and pain. A week where lives were lost, dreams crushed, jobs altered, and discouraging reports shared.  I felt I was standing with my toes dipped in the Red Sea, but my heart didn't have the energy to cross. I found myself angry this week from the simple exhaustion of running alongside My Hero's strong fight with cancer. I'm proud to fight with her, rejoice with her, and tell others that she's my sister. Its just tiring to watch others suffer with her pain. Standing at my waters edge, I faced the memory of Grandpa Van Dyken passing away suddenly 10 years ago, my Dad telling me he had prostate cancer, or just a few years ago when My Hero was told her cancer had spread...Over the years this seemed to all fall within one week of each other.

"When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, "If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt. So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt armed for battle."  Exodus 13:17-18

It has caused some to hate this time of year and has blinded eyes to the miracles at the bottom of the sea. Chasing me was the fear of what test results would haunt my sleep and consume my mind.  Concern of how to deal with roller coaster emotions and anger of how it has stolen much joy over the years expended me. Not being able to "fix" issues and problems plays games on my mind and taints my view on my possibilities. All of this has some level of bondage in my heart and the devil continues
to have some grip in my life not allowing my feet to move.

"Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and all that night The Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their rights
and on their left."  Exodus 14:21-22

It's hard to comprehend what passed through Moses' mind when his toes dipped the waters edge of the Red Sea. To have the children of Israel depending on you as your enemies draw closer had to have been an intense moment for Moses and yet, he stayed calm crying out to God. Never did Moses allow his fear or lack of limitations in God stop his pursuit to the Promised Land. How many times have I put God in a box and not allowing Him to show His powers and part my Red Sea? How many times have I allowed situations to overcome and disappointments to steal my joy from the gift that came so beautifully wrapped in a manger? I'm embarrassed (and human) to say that it's more times then I'd like to admit.

"Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance The Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."  Exodus 14:13-14

When I'm placed at battles edge, I need Moses to SCREAM from behind me to, "Go forward!" When the tides of life lap at my feet, rather then fear and worry to settle, I need to find my staff, grip tightly, and allow God to show His faithfulness to me and trust that He will be enough to part the murky, scary, un-navigated situations I stumble upon. I need a Moses-like attitude. 
Self-doubt robs too many potential opportunities. Lack of faith results in mountains not moved. I'd love to say that I never struggle with any of these things, but we live in a fallen world where each and everyone of us has a (or many) Red Sea's to cross. Some more then others. Whether its a struggle in a relationship, financial worries, health battles, or day in and out worries; we all contemplate how we will cross over to dry land. "Be still."

"Then the Lord said to Moses,"Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea to dry ground. I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them. And I will gain glory through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory through Pharaoh, his chariots and his horsemen."  Exodus 14:15-18

As My Hero received news that her test results stayed relatively the same, I found I could breath a little easier..."Be still." Ten years earlier, God gave us a sunrise promise that Grandpa was at peace. We had that same stunning sunrise promise the morning of the doctors appointment as a way of saying, "I've got this. Be at peace and remain in Me." I'm embarrassed to say that I wasn't able to run with ease across the sea this week, but I pray as today continues on and tomorrow approaches, I can run freely with hope, faith, and a strong grip on His Staff that will part the sea and protect me until I plant my feet on dry land. I can see God patiently sitting seaside, gently whispering to me, "Be still." And then there's Moses yelling at me, "Don't look back; just GO FORWARD." 

"And when the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant."  Exodus 14:31

So, I move forward with faith, trusting that God will hold the raging waters of life upright, as I pass through my Red Sea and attempt to see the beauty in the situation rather then being swallowed up by the fears of circumstance.
And in those moments...I'll just be still.

December Photo Mash-Up

 { Addison busy at school fireside with her new glasses. So grown up. }

{ Cousins at war with each other in a fierce game of battleship. }

{ Addison & Annie watering plants at the Windmill. Addison put over 20 hours of "community service" into the mall cleaning, painting, and being Daddy's helping hand. }

{ There are moments where we can't trust this monkey even after we put her to bed. Yes. That is "bottom cheek" cream she has moisturized across her face. Within the next few days she managed to get into the tub of Vaseline and my not-dutch-deal-of-the-day Clinique facial cream. Mama not happy.}

{ Dad & Donny keeping busy replacing the Windmill motor. Dad was in heaven putzing around with tools helping Tim with his To-Do's. }

{ Mom and Myriam dancing, singing, and keeping beat with Auntie Becky and Joel blessing people at the Windmill with Christmas tunes. }


{ The kids built sugary homes and came out cavity free! }

{ Lynden Floor Design/Elements Christmas Party with my Go-To Gal Pal }

{ Mom with our three blessings at the Jingle Bell Run/Walk along with Auntie Lindsay, her mom Renee' and her littles. }

Well, there you have it.
Merry Christmas.

Our (my) Given Go-To's

{ our friends and family: Jake (future SIL), Sam, Greg, Linda, and Mac } 

It was nearly 13 years ago that God introduced me to my soul sister and friend. God knew my heart needed this gifted, amazing gal pal in ALL areas of my life from fun to tears and tea to chocolates. It started with Linda needing someone to cut her little blond studs hair, Mac and Sam. Oh, and heaven's if I were to cut the pop! The first time I set my eyes on Sam, I must admit, my heart dropped a bit as he was a spitting image of Bryce Fransen who had passed away years earlier from a battle of cancer. From the hair to the dark brown's all I could think about when cutting his hair for the first time. There was an instant connection with Linda and it started gaining head way when she too succumbed to my scissors and color techniques. She was the cutest thing! 
When Tim and I had been married for a year, he transferred job careers to Lynden Floor Design which has evolved into a lifetime partnership and multiple blessings for our family. Tim and Greg could be matched for twins with their go-get-em' personalities and Greg has had HUGE influence in Tim's business strategies. Greg has been a big brother and mentor to Tim in life and at work teaching, training, encouraging, scolding, and showing Christ in all levels of life. We never anticipated the level of involvement when accepting a simple job offer years ago. And with that came more opportunities for Linda and I to get to know each other and create AWESOME memories. 
From our first trip together laying tile in a lakeside cabin pre-kids and first shopping trip with the controversial swim suit purchases, to a second trip with the rent-a motorhome followed by a few Big White ski trips. Dinner dates with all you can eat crab and leftovers from others plates, and late night jobs setting up the new shop. Coffees, chocolates, introductions to Red Rose tea. Helping us with our first baby, family 'LOST' nights, game nights, BBQ's, coffee deliveries during new home construction. Third Day concerts and #1 fan concerts to the Newsboys...influence of music and scrap booking soon crept into their home and their hearts filled ours. We call them friends, family, landlords, business partners and brothers and sisters in Christ. 
What these two add to our lives can never be measured or explained. From our best to worst moments they hold no judgements; just open arms. When I needed Linda most, she gave, she wept, she hugged, and she forgave. From meltdowns in the cow pastures to hugs that nearly pulled me out of the car. These two dropped life and poured into ours. Linda held my hand, drove me to and from, spoke to the void during the freshest wounds I've experienced. She allowed me to be weak and carried me when I couldn't stand on my own. It's not easy being put into a fiery situation, but Greg and Linda did it with grace and showed forgiveness immediately. They embraced us when our "wash machine was broken beyond repair"!!!
Greg and Linda are the living example of "go to" friends, but more then that they exemplify the hands and feet of Christ to us and all around them. They have set a pure example of parenting and marriage for us and also shown us the balance of having fun. They are the biggest inspirations to us. Selfless, giving, humble, caring, God-serving people. My life is richer because of this friendship and my husband is a stronger man due to the example Greg has shown him through daily life together. We are better people because of a simple boys haircut. And let's not forget the influence these handsome boys have had on our kids!
Yes, it is true, there is questioning about whether or not the thumb print agreement still stands between Jake and Addi someday getting married. If we had our way they would never know that it started with a joke! Mac and Sam have helped me many times climbing in our trees, showing stunts to Charlie, and entertaining the thought of babysitting to our sweet little babies. So far my efforts at getting them to change diapers has come to a halt. Mac, Sam, and Jake have been just as much of this friendship as their parents and we thank them for their respectful giving and serving to our family.  

What's most embarrassing about this almost 13 year friendship is the idea that it took this long for Linda and I to have a picture taken of us together! Terrible! So why not start our photo memories in our dutch costumes in the next family adventure. 
I stand behind this friendship 100% and pray that I can give as much to them as this beautiful couple has given to us. I thank God for my friend reminding me of accomplishing my daily essentials, the timely phone calls, persuasions to home school, soft words spoken, tight embraces, and open doors when things looked bleak. I praise God for blessing my life with this rich, inspiring, sister-like relationship and pray for her daily. 
She is my Go-To and I pray I can be hers to the level she's been to me. 

My Thanksgiving Plate

As we sat around the table this year, we wrote messages of thanksgiving and shared with the family what we were thankful for in the moment. Thanksgiving is a time to pause and reflect on everything we are thankful for, but in all honesty it's something we should be doing daily. The other night, Addison and I were praying and thanking Jesus for the "little things" in our lives. 
...toilet paper, light bulbs, windows that lock, gas for our cars, grocery bags, light switches to help us see, doctors that take care of our broken bones, adorable pink Christmas trees, cameras to capture moments, sisters that drive us crazy and bug us all day long, diapers that prevent messes, fun zebra sheets, clothes that fit us and keep us warm, soap to clean us, plates to eat off of, food in our kitchen, shoes that fit and keep our toes dry, family that loves us to the end of the earth, daddy that works endless hours to provide all that we have at home, health, our church, and funny singing shows that make us laugh...
These were just a few that we thanked Jesus for the other night. Every day we use and share many things that are never given thanks for...when we should be thanking Jesus all day long for making it happen. 
Thinking about what I should write on my table top thankfulness list, the gift of purpose, drive, and goal setting came to mind first. I am deeply thankful for My Love that provides and dedicates himself to his faith purpose in his life and carving the way to make it happen. Yes, it causes late hours, requires lots of energy, and sometimes takes him out of town, but he is doing what God designed him to be and do. Without My Love's vision so much of what we are and have would not be. I'm so thankful for goals and how much of the purpose is planted within reach and out of reach to keep us focused and driven. A goal keeps us straight and allows us to work on what's needed to achieve big and small attainable goals. And with that comes the gift and ability to run which has become a huge goal-purpose driven part of my life. I'm very thankful that my body has relatively been healthy enough to cover miles of roads within the county for a cause close to my heart. 
I'm so thankful for health and the education of caring doctors at many levels in my life. From broken bones to colds to allergies or unknowns. I'm so glad I'm not the one giving my kids shots or resetting bones when needed. And even though cancer causes anxiety in my life I'm incredibly thankful that those fighting are doing it with smiles and inspiring attitudes. 
I am forever thankful for the gift and blessing of adoption that it has threaded itself within every fiber of our family. God had adopted me into His family and I pray for our extended family that they too can join the Body of Christ. It is a gift to be part of His family and to have the protection of the Holy Spirit cover our home. 
We all have things we're thankful for and the list should never stop...
My heart is full and my list is long...
Thank you Jesus for giving me life, allowing me to share my faith, and for breathing life into the next minute, the next moment of this beautiful life. 

And Now She's Two...

This past weekend was spent reflecting two years prior when My Love and I drove three hours south to attend a doctors appointment with our birth mother. That then turned into an appointment at the hospital that evening and a long wait until our gorgeous daughter was born. In the hours spent waiting, we found ourselves reading, sleeping, praying, pacing, chatting with other families, consuming coffee, a quick refresher trip to the hotel followed by more waiting until the morning of Thanksgiving when at 10:37am, our lives changed and family grew. I will NEVER forget the moment of pacing outside our birth parents room and hearing Myriam belt out her first cries. The tears were given permission and hugs were granted between us all. A few hours later we met Myriam Judith for the first time...and oh how beautiful that was...
The emotions we both experienced were overwhelming and the maternal bond was immediate. I couldn't get enough snuggles and gazes at our third blessing. I can't express in words the last moments in the hospital with our birth parents but I know God protected all of our hearts and continues to heal as well. 
I was able to share updates, proud Mommy moments, first words, and funny stories with our birth mom on Myriam's birthday. We have an open adoption and have the opportunity to text, call, and send mail with our birth family which we treasure and protect for our little one. Myriam is as much ours as is our biological children and has completed our family with incredible tight bonds with each person. Some may never understand the relationship we choose to have with our birth family, but together we are FAMILY. With Thanksgiving days away, we can't go another minute without saying how blessed and thankful we are for our family, for our children, and for those who are connected by situations, friendships, blood, or faith. With November being Adoption Awareness Month, I am reminded of how God has adopted me, with all my blemishes and mistakes, into His family and my HUGE body of believers. 
Everyday, this new terrible two, brown-eyed beauty gives me the tightest squeeze and kisses along with all day jabber and hilariousness. God is the perfect puzzle master as He fit this beautiful child within our family. Our hearts are full...
Here are a few glimpses into the Minnie Mouse Party:

 { She cheered up later on after an attempt with pictures }
Thanks Aunt Cindy for the adorable outfit!!!

 { Goofy Grapes, Hot Diggity Dogs, Daisy's Garden Veggies, Pluto's Chips, and Minnie's Bow Tie Salad...We were well fed. }

 { Ashlyn & Myriam hanging with Auntie Traci and the Minnie ears }

{ Loving the present time }

 { Singing to our birthday girl. She actually allowed us to sing where as the past week she would tell us to "stop it" whenever we tried. }

 { Playing "Doctor" in our new jammies with Nana }

{ Nurse Minnie Myriam }

My Love and I are so excited to watch God grow this comedian and to fill her heart with a passion for Christ. As her parents, we couldn't be prouder. 

Signs of ThankFULLness

Last year I made a "Gratitude Calendar" in hopes of our kids gaining a better understanding of what "Thankfulness" looks like to them and those around us. We made cookies for firefighters, sent letters to our doctors, cards to family members, and gave gifts, toys, and clothes to those that need them more then us. The kids stood by the mail box waiting to hand a letter to our mail lady, we spoke kind words to those close to us, and did special things around the house to show what we are all thankful for within our home.  Recently, the kids blessed the church with sweet treats from the bakery to let them know they love and appreciate them.
This year, we are doing the same thing and today My Love and I were at the receiving end of the gift of thankfulness. God gave Tim and I, a special little lady that we will forever be thankful for...
Addison Jean. 

From exclamations of love stuck to our wall, signs making us feel special and even cleaning our room and making the bed!!!...Addi knew exactly how to win us over once again. God is doing an amazing work within her heart creating a gift of compassion that fills a dark room. From cards, to prayers, neighborhood food drives and her continuing giving of love...Addison understands gratitude. 

{ Our Gratitude Calendar }

{ Taped hearts to our walls }

As a parent, you pray the words read in the Bible would 'click' and take root in our children's hearts. Today, I found myself thanking God for the little things that Addison has done for us that mean more then words could capture on paper. Addi is, and has been, a huge help to me at home and loves her siblings beyond miles can see. She adores them even in the button pushing moments. I pray that God continues to nurture this gifting within her heart and gives Addison a passion to serve to her divine design capacity. It excites me to think of the possibilities God has for her and yet I want to pause, freeze time and ponder her every move, smile, tear, and bottle up the hugs and smooches she shares with me everyday. 
Today I am thankful for the love notes, hearts, and compassion Addison gave to her Mommy and Daddy that make our hearts extremely FULL!!! Proud parent moment...

The Ugly Race to my Second State

{ We all looked like a sea of "Where's Waldo" with our hats on. }

This morning myself and over 2500 runners and walkers in fashionable Christmas sweaters, vests, random rubber ducky knitted sweaters, men in Christmas nighties, and the appearance of the Easter Bunny and Teddy Bear (I'm talking about the full head to toe suit!!!) ran the 5k Ugly Sweater Race in Portland just for fun. That's right...just for fun. No chip time, start clocks or pressure to beat the last race time. We had some tensile ball casualties and garland mishaps along the route but, all smiles and jingle bells otherwise. But, this race had more importance to me as it was my second state race in my journey to completing 50 races in 50 states by the age of 50!!!  The girls were my cheerleaders and enjoyed all the bright colors, dance quality music, snow machines, and hot chocolate. And, of course I had to show cause with my clothes-pinned pink ribbons for My Hero along with the Mini Me's in their race day T's too. 

{ My Cheer Team }

{ It was more like a soap machine then cold snow: Second State Race }

{ My Hero posed with me by some of the tacky decorations including the 50 foot Santa, blow up reindeer at mile 1, hot chocolate pit stop at mile 1.5, and big green trees all over. }

{ candy cane finish line }
Myriam thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas music that was blaring over the loud speakers. We had our own little dance party as the sugar from her hot chocolate kicked in and got her moving! Thank you Auntie for cheering with the girls while I ran. 

{ "Cheese" in front of the present tree }

Well, ugly sweater, it was fun but I'm happy to return the sweater to it's proud owner. Until, next time Santa...

Flying is for Airplanes

Turns out that when Mommy says, "Please respect the furniture. Get down! Be careful." 
She really does mean it. 
A simple game of capture the flag turned into attempts of flying off the back of the couches downstairs resulting in an audible "POP." It was instant panic for Chuckles and pleas for Mommy to come rescue him. The fact that his eyes were the size of half dollars and I couldn't look at his arm without it hurting meant it was bad. Or maybe the deformation of the wrist gave it away. "Can you move your fingers?" Nope. "Can you squeeze my hand?" Nope. "I can't lift my arm up?"
Thankfully, I had the know-abouts to splint the arm and ice it right away. So with the HGTV magazine, towel, frozen fiesta vegetables and painter tape splint in place, Charlie and I headed to the Emergency Room while Auntie Missy came to sit with the girls. (I LOVE that my family lives close and is willing to help at the drop of a hat when needed.) Poor buddy cried with every turn I made or bump I drove over and when we finally got there he cried entering, "I don't want to live here!" Charlie was very thankful to be greeted with Papa and later Nana who sat with us the entire 7.5 ordeal. (Nana even stayed by his side when they contorted his body to pop the bone back in place. Never alone.)
X-rays confirmed what should have been lined up was side by side and needing some resetting of the bone. With the guarantee of no sleep overs at the hospital, the reassurance of Daddy coming as soon as his meetings were done, and the promise that when the doctors fixed the arm we could go home, we 
finally were able to calm down a little. Nothing is worse then seeing your child in pain and wanting to forget it all and go home. We were very blessed with confident doctors, sweet nurses (who happened to have my same name which Chuckles found funny), and an orthopedic specialist last night. Along with the many prayers from family and friends too. So now its about keeping up with pain medications, weekly X-ray updates, and helping Charlie realize that he can't be active until Christmas. ( That's going to be fun.)
I'm crossing my fingers the lesson was learned that when Mommy says "No more. Be careful!"...she's painfully serious.

{ Our home away from home on 11-12-13, for the bump that should not be there. }

{ Clearly broken: Addison was able to write Charlie "Get Well" notes in the 10 minutes from moment of impact to departure for the hospital. Love her sweetness. }

{ Thanks to the "Michael Jackson" juice, Charlie didn't feel any pain when they reset his arm. }

{ Thank you Kids Place for lifting his spirits with the Pirate Pooper and gummy worms along with a new movie and Lego's from grandmas! }

{ We love our neighbors and the love they shower Charlie with when he needs some cheering up. And yes, he's still wearing the same shirt as yesterday. }

{ And because Charlie thought since the drugs made his arm feel better he could just take the cast splint off today which only led to tears and frustrations, I picked him up with this fancy themed sling with his favorite characters...from tears to smiles instantly. }

Now to have a bake sale to cover the ER visit and exaggerated hospital bill.