December Photo Mash-Up

 { Addison busy at school fireside with her new glasses. So grown up. }

{ Cousins at war with each other in a fierce game of battleship. }

{ Addison & Annie watering plants at the Windmill. Addison put over 20 hours of "community service" into the mall cleaning, painting, and being Daddy's helping hand. }

{ There are moments where we can't trust this monkey even after we put her to bed. Yes. That is "bottom cheek" cream she has moisturized across her face. Within the next few days she managed to get into the tub of Vaseline and my not-dutch-deal-of-the-day Clinique facial cream. Mama not happy.}

{ Dad & Donny keeping busy replacing the Windmill motor. Dad was in heaven putzing around with tools helping Tim with his To-Do's. }

{ Mom and Myriam dancing, singing, and keeping beat with Auntie Becky and Joel blessing people at the Windmill with Christmas tunes. }


{ The kids built sugary homes and came out cavity free! }

{ Lynden Floor Design/Elements Christmas Party with my Go-To Gal Pal }

{ Mom with our three blessings at the Jingle Bell Run/Walk along with Auntie Lindsay, her mom Renee' and her littles. }

Well, there you have it.
Merry Christmas.

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