Flying is for Airplanes

Turns out that when Mommy says, "Please respect the furniture. Get down! Be careful." 
She really does mean it. 
A simple game of capture the flag turned into attempts of flying off the back of the couches downstairs resulting in an audible "POP." It was instant panic for Chuckles and pleas for Mommy to come rescue him. The fact that his eyes were the size of half dollars and I couldn't look at his arm without it hurting meant it was bad. Or maybe the deformation of the wrist gave it away. "Can you move your fingers?" Nope. "Can you squeeze my hand?" Nope. "I can't lift my arm up?"
Thankfully, I had the know-abouts to splint the arm and ice it right away. So with the HGTV magazine, towel, frozen fiesta vegetables and painter tape splint in place, Charlie and I headed to the Emergency Room while Auntie Missy came to sit with the girls. (I LOVE that my family lives close and is willing to help at the drop of a hat when needed.) Poor buddy cried with every turn I made or bump I drove over and when we finally got there he cried entering, "I don't want to live here!" Charlie was very thankful to be greeted with Papa and later Nana who sat with us the entire 7.5 ordeal. (Nana even stayed by his side when they contorted his body to pop the bone back in place. Never alone.)
X-rays confirmed what should have been lined up was side by side and needing some resetting of the bone. With the guarantee of no sleep overs at the hospital, the reassurance of Daddy coming as soon as his meetings were done, and the promise that when the doctors fixed the arm we could go home, we 
finally were able to calm down a little. Nothing is worse then seeing your child in pain and wanting to forget it all and go home. We were very blessed with confident doctors, sweet nurses (who happened to have my same name which Chuckles found funny), and an orthopedic specialist last night. Along with the many prayers from family and friends too. So now its about keeping up with pain medications, weekly X-ray updates, and helping Charlie realize that he can't be active until Christmas. ( That's going to be fun.)
I'm crossing my fingers the lesson was learned that when Mommy says "No more. Be careful!"...she's painfully serious.

{ Our home away from home on 11-12-13, for the bump that should not be there. }

{ Clearly broken: Addison was able to write Charlie "Get Well" notes in the 10 minutes from moment of impact to departure for the hospital. Love her sweetness. }

{ Thanks to the "Michael Jackson" juice, Charlie didn't feel any pain when they reset his arm. }

{ Thank you Kids Place for lifting his spirits with the Pirate Pooper and gummy worms along with a new movie and Lego's from grandmas! }

{ We love our neighbors and the love they shower Charlie with when he needs some cheering up. And yes, he's still wearing the same shirt as yesterday. }

{ And because Charlie thought since the drugs made his arm feel better he could just take the cast splint off today which only led to tears and frustrations, I picked him up with this fancy themed sling with his favorite characters...from tears to smiles instantly. }

Now to have a bake sale to cover the ER visit and exaggerated hospital bill.

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