It's All About the Sister's

Spring brings many celebrations, but some of the best are the birthday's of my sisters!
Often, birthday's get rushed for adults as the kids keep our schedules busy, dinners at demand, and laundry in a continued cycle of delicates. I wanted to personally thank my amazing, beautiful sister's for their incredible, complete opposite personalities that bless me daily and pour into my little families life. 

MISSY: I have always loved this picture, as she hates any taken of her, for the simple, sheer beauty it captures. Melissa has an amazing talent as an artist that can tell stories on a canvas with a paint brush. What a love most about Missy is how she knows to have FUN! Our kids have been blessed to have a fun Auntie who drops anything to go on an Auntie date. Missy has been awesome at helping me out with the kids, taking them at a moments notice, and showing them how to live life to the fullest. 
Missy, my prayer for you is that God will continue to master your craft, speak words of confidence and affirmation into your heart and to allow yourself to get lost in His truth and His Word. I love you so much and I'm so proud of you! 

TRACI: It's pretty well known that us two have not always gotten along so well…we can fight like the best of them! Although, she holds the torch as it was her that broke our brothers arm not me. Yes, I've been known to pull pranks when we shared bedrooms (all 17 years) as we were just falling asleep or to draw lines in the carpet with duct tape to clearly mark my territory in the shared space. But, as the years keep rolling by and we mature, so does our relationship. My blood sister has something I will never achieve in all my years here on earth. She has the gift of faith and fight in her that pumps through her veins and radiates in her life. She has overcome much and never looses faith and sight of her Creator and King. There is NO replacement for what Traci brings to my life, my families life, and those around her. She is the Auntie that spoils and does everything I don't want to do. (play dough) She is the one to put others first. I love this picture because it is in her eyes and smile that describe who Traci is and always has been. 

 LINDSAY: It all started over pizza sauce when Lindsay met my little brother. Since then, I have been blessed to sit back and watch my sister-in-law grow into a gorgeous mother of two who loves her children dearly. It has been a great entertainment for me to sit back and watch, but also so much fun as the kids thoroughly enjoy being cousins and playing together. It was on our first family trip that Lindsay got in on the big secret that I was pregnant with Addi and attempting to hide it from the rest of the family. Thank you for keeping secrets and covering for me!  I love my sis's OCD as it partners with mine, but with a little more intensity. I will never forget when I put the remotes back in the wrong spacing apart and angle. Haha! It makes Lindsay who she was designed to be and the person she is growing into which makes me love her more. God has hardwired her to be a mother and a wife and I'm blessed to be apart of that also. I'm so excited for the many years to come as we get into the tween years, family moments and trips, and life as we know it. 

 BECKY: This all started when I attended LCS my freshman year. Becky had reached out to me and a relationship flourished. From there we had many firsts, lasts, good and really bad moments, BUT God had bigger and better things in mind for our relationship. I have had the pleasure of being in the middle of Becky growing, stretching, praising, raising, and leading me into some of the deepest places my heart has been. From the first child to the last, I've been there watching the family expand. I've been able to listen to the Spirit-filled talent mature from high-school until present as Becky leads many into worship on Sunday's and through her musical talents. The above picture speaks so loudly to me as you can see Jesus on her face…something she's never NOT proclaimed or worn on her sleeve. Becky has been FIRST a friend, then a sister. I'm so incredibly proud of the gift she shares with me, the grace she offers, and the ability to love on our kids. Her willing heart speaks volumes. 

I pray this next year only draws us closer to Him and deepens our individual relationships. I'm so grateful for God placing each of you in my life and to be involved in our families life. You each create a piece of the body that can not function without the other. Know you are loved first by your Father and next by your sister. I love you all so very much! Thank you for being yourselves and pouring your gifts into my life!
Happy Birthday Sister's!

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