A Day at Bay

The day…start over…the night started as every hour someone was up with either a need to be tucked back in, bloody nose or desire to be awake for the day at 3am with no signs of ever getting much more shut-eye for the night. 
I knew we needed a game plan to keep everyone awake, distracted and happy as we were on short fumes from the get go! I promised the kids a big breakfast of eggs, bacon and hash browns, but failed at making sure we had ketchup which gave Charlie an early morning run to the neighbors to save us! (Thanks Zylstra's) Unfortunately, after breakfast came an immediate need to "wash thy hands in the toilet" as Myriam decided to show me what was in her diaper rather than all of us smell it…just barf. This toddler has s poop obsession that needs to be broken! 
Now that we were all clean...Addi and I came up with a game plan to bless the teachers in our lives as Teacher Appreciation is here. So, our first stop was the Dollar Tree for gifts and also new sand shovels then, followed closely by a quick stop at Target. With our sacked lunches, water bottles and a need to dig, we made our way out to Semiahmoo Bay to play!
This was our first time playing out there and it was great! The kids had so much fun flipping over rocks watching the crabs scramble for shelter, searching for sand dollars, and simply running free through the water and on the warm sand. Myriam had no fear picking up her "crabby" friends where as the other two took a little while to warm up to the little pinches. 

 { C - 6 yrs, M - 2.5 yrs, A - 9.5 yrs }

 { Kids found many sand dollars, hermit crabs, and mini pincher's on the beach. }

 After rinsing off the sand, we planned on finding some cold treats at The C Shop, but found it "closed for winter" so, I treated the kids to Wood's coffee instead. It was a fabulous field trip day and I'm so blessed to be able to live in a stunning area of God's beauty where we can see everything from peaks to beaches!

Bring on the hot, sunny weather so we can head back to the bay! 

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