Our Home-Learned Methods Begin

It's that time of year where the ho-hum of lunch making, school supply shopping, and smell of new shoes excites mamas like me. I love nothing more then new beginnings especially when it involves routine, early bedtimes and organization. The sounds of the label maker put a smile on my face. All my containers safely holding art supplies, markers, paper, and other supplies are neatly labeled for my hearts desire. Binders are organized and ready for eager minds to learn. Journals created, pencils sharpened, and books ready to be read. I never in a million years would have seen myself as a homeschooling mama, but I can't tell you how perfect of a fit this is for our family.
It started with a very shy little girl and has now evolved into an actual classroom with Pinterest additions. When asked if the kids would ever want to go to a "real" classroom, the answer is always NO! It warms my heart knowing that the kids trust in me enough to raise and train them to social standards but also weighs heavy as it is solely my responsibility to teach them and prepare them for the big scary world. I pray God will give me the patience, endurance, and self-control with my time to do the job together Tim and I have chosen to do. I pray that God will show me areas that need more attention, better review, different approaches, and more devotion to each child's needs as they come daily or monthly. We take it a year at a time and if God leads us to another plan then we'll adapt to the changes.
I have so much respect for our local teachers who do so much more then what the paycheck rewards them for. Three years later at home I understand the endless hours of research, heartache had for the children with unstable homes, prayers spoken, meetings and bulletins made according to the needs in the classrooms, time spent away from home to better the students needs, and the mental exhaustion had from the same unfocused, bad attitudes, and sometimes angry students I experience myself.  
But for now, the kids will have focused minds and happy attitudes when the sign on the door says, "Sorry, we can't play" in order for mommy to do the job they hired me for. Yes, I take no pay but the reward is huge. I can incorporate as much Jesus into every lesson in front of us. We can have moments of frustration and pray that God would grant us clarity in the new studies. It's not for everyone but for us it's perfect. And as we do joke...Mommy home-teachin' today!

 { Third Grade and almost nine years old }
 { My project for the year: get this boy-child focused on learning }
 { One may ask why the jammies are on backwards...well, it's to prevent messes from happening and strippers in the crib }
 { A little treat for all the neighbor kids, nieces and nephews as they start the new year: Rolos looking like pencils. }
 { Happy organized flashcards }
 { Love me some vinyl labels }
 { Ready to read }
 {Thank you Lisa for helping make the learning table just a little more cute with the wall vinyl }
{ Charlie's first craft of the year }
So, now we get used to the new fall schedule and come to realize that mommy really does mean run around the house three times if our minds our having trouble focusing. We do our best to get dressed for the day rather then stay comfy and lazy. We balance our learning with fun and always remember the school rules...

{ My apologies for the poor quality photos. Miss EOS Digital Rebel has blurred vision these days and is needing replacement as she has come time to retire her nine year old computer zappers. }

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