Mama's Man Cub Turns 11

It's really hard to believe that our Charlie is eleven. 
In my eyes, he's still the chunky, blue-eyed baby that beamed with smiles when given any attention. The little man that adored snuggles and won the immediate affection from his big sister who quickly dressed him up, stuck him in baby doll strollers and became Mom's best helper. 
As he grew, so did his heart. Charlie has the biggest, most tender, compassionate, kind, servant-minded, thoughtful heart a mother could pray for. I've seen this on display many times before making me beam with pride. Opening the door for his Grandma, holding her hand to steady her feet, rubbing Nana's back to soothe her broken heart, protecting his Mama when needed and crying in the arms of his sister during the most traumatic moments of his little life. I've also seen his sportsmanship present on the court in earlier years making sure every player had a chance to touch the basketball during a game. Charlie's ability to be sensitive to others emotions is well beyond his years. 
As parents, yes, we have our moments of wondering what the little Man Cub was thinking, but with an overwhelming amount of love, we stand proud of who Charlie is and is becoming. 
 We have years to train our gentleman on how to close the kitchen cupboards, put his shoes in the bin and how to flip a sock right side out. Time to teach him how to properly put clean clothes away and pick up his room, so that, when the dreaded time comes for him to leave the nest he has life skills to impress his college friends or future bride to be. 
For now, we sit in awe of the responsibility God gave us to raise Charlie and thank God for every minute of laughter, snuggles, bedtime prayers and beaming smiles that bless this Mama's heart daily. 
Charlie, Mom and Dad are incredibly proud of you and love you. 
Happy eleventh Birthday!

{ Full of life. }

{ Surrounded by sisters. }

{ Best brother ever. }

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