Summer's Highlights

Addison, all summer long, has been busy in her bullet journal doodling, drawing, creating and her niche, painting. This was her hand painted canvas she made for Tim on Father's Day this year that was inspired from her favorite picture of the two of them on the Washington State Ferry. I'm astonished and amazed by the attention to details Addison was able to display in her painting. 
She could have entered one of hundreds of sketches she's drawn, but she chose this painting to enter into the Northwest Washington Fair. By oops, I entered her into the 15-18 age category when really she should have been in the 11-14 age group ... as seen by the abundance of ribbons, the age didn't matter. 
God has given this child an ability to capture emotion, joy, details, relationships and thoughts onto a simple piece of paper. As parents, we want to do everything possible to encourage Addi to run with the gifting God has given her and use it somehow to bless those around her. 
She's already moved on to the next commissioned art piece ... stay tuned!

Funny as this may be, our sweet Myriam struggled to stay afloat this summer with the heat wave and smoke intake. The girl would fall asleep from vacation overload anywhere she landed - mid sentence, conversation, snack time and as the above, post shower when drying off. One evening, when I was making dinner, I walked into the living room and found Myriam chin-up resting on the back of the couch and her body dangling off the bottom. The most bizarre, awkward position to sleep in possible. 
On the flip-side, when she's not sleeping the girl is on fire, go speed, creating life and
always keeping it interesting. 

With school around the weekend, the ladies of the family set the date for a girls only school shopping trip to Portland, Oregon. Nana was the driver, Ashlyn and Myriam the navigators and entertainers, Addison the token teenager, and Lindsay and I the Mom's chasing the kids. By dinner time, we had all the school supplies purchased and had a good start on clothes too. The hotel left us with memories as what was advertised clearly was not what we found inside the room. Good memories and a place to sleep so thankful hearts regardless ... and with a towel over the shower curtain rod a proper curtain for privacy too! 
The next morning started at Target with Starbucks in hand and anxious girls to shop until their Mama's dropped. By lunchtime, my list was all but a few items from completion so we opted to give our feet a break watching the new Winnie the Pooh movie. I may have caught Nana nodding off a few times but shoot, if I wasn't monitoring the kicking feet and treat intake I would have too. 
All our kids, regardless if we were homeschooling or not, have done back to school with Auntie Traci in Portland ... it will always be hard to go and not be greeted with her smiles. 
The bright spot was meeting with Sue Best, a dear sweet friend from the Pink Phoenix team, as we caught up over dinner and heard all about the Italy trip the Pinks had just got back from. There are so many I wish we could have seen, spent time with and other places we could have visited while in Portland. The routine spots we tracked - Walmart, Krispie Kreme, the park above Auntie's place and Olive Garden where Myriam firmly told the waiter he needed to give her more space.
Yes, I deserved that glass of wine and the one the next night too. 
Thanks Mom for getting us there and back safely - our kids should have no complaints on what to wear come the first day of school. One teenager is enough. Gone are the days when Carter's was the only stop. 

{ While at the park a sudden misty rain cloud surprised us causing the Mom's to find cover where ever we could find. Mom hid under the table, I was under the tree house and Lindsay stood at the high spot under the slide. }

{ Addi and I found quiet ... finally. It took the drive home to catch some flies. }

{ It's been hot. We promote hydration in all forms. }

{ No summer goes without blueberry picking at my Aunt & Uncle's blueberry farm. }

 { Cooling off at Lake Whatcom. }

 { Explorations at Berthusan Park. The littles loved walking in the big forest }

{ Best buds. James & Charlie. }

Bullet Highlights:

  • Charlie joined me on a 13.5 mile run from Fairhaven to Larabee State Park as he pedaled next to me on the trails. The Man Cub did awesome, never complained and slept on the drive home after a much deserved Subway sandwich. Him and Cooper joined me on a shorter run through the county roads too as they biked along. Nice to have little buddies with me!
  • Addison had her first paying babysitting job and did awesome. She's such a natural with kids. 
  • I managed to keep the tomato plant alive until it produced enough cherry tomatoes to eat a bowl full. Most were pre-picked when still dressed in a shade of green by little sticky fingers. I'm not sure I'm meant to grow a garden. 
  • Addison and Tim traveld to CO for Aunt Marcia's memorial service. They mingled with mountain men, toured mines and had many laughs with Uncle Ken.
  • Charlie was able to tag with Dad on a business trip to Portland and Florida. Good times. 
  • Addison enjoyed the NW Fair with girlfriends this year and Dad. Disappointed in the rides, but still good times were had. 
  • We spent many afternoons at Lake Whatcom swimming, jumping off the dock and eating yummy lakeside treats. Quick easy way to cool off from the heat. 
  • Tim and I flew to Concord, NC as I attend the She Speaks Conference with 800 other women. Tim had work so the trip was perfect for both of us. I met so many wonderful women and made some lifelong connections.
We have just a few days left before school begins. The backpacks are packed and first day outfits are being considered. This morning I ran on trails that made my senses go off the charts from scents of crushed maple leaves and rain. Fall is in the air and those pesky spider webs that catch you off guard have already been spun. School buses have been practicing routes and I'm thinking of lunch boxes that need to be filled. 
Summer you've been good to us. Thank you for so many memories, but I'm ready for fall and routine. Bring on the tall boots, sweaters, blankets and cups of tea. 
Until next year summer ...

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