It Started with Two...

Last week as I was driving through town, I noticed a stand with a pile of fresh, super-sized zucchini's. As a dutch woman, I noticed "FREE" and pulled over to grab a couple then later decided what to do with them. A few minutes on Pinterest proved successful with delicious recipes that claimed to be quick and easy. 
Win. Win. 
I took the kids to pick a few more blueberries and thorny blackberries for the recipes and back home we went to have an afternoon of baking. I under-estimated how much these two zucchini's would produce. 

I also had a package of cream cheese waiting to be used so what better than to make my fan favorite: black bottom cupcakes. The recipe I use freezes well so I may be making more for those school days needing a sweet treat. Always nice to have something on hand! 
I made a fantastically delicious blackberry cobbler that Addi and I enjoyed last night as we watched our weight loss TV show. Go figure. I'm hoping to bake a few more breads and muffins for morning options and then get to freezer meals before the school year begins. Thanks to a cooler day with a little rain to get me in the mood. 

At the end of the day, I ended up with…
1 large loaf of chocolate chip zucchini bread
3 large loaves of blueberry zucchini bread
2 mini loaves of chocolate chip zucchini bread
3 mini loaves of blueberry zucchini bread
1 black berry cobbler
2 dozen black bottom cupcakes
1/4 of the zucchini still leftover!

What's your favorite freezer meal recipe? 

(All but the cupcake recipe can be found on my Pinterest boards. )

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