The Undoings of Naptime Take Two

She undid it again. 
She does this every day, but usually doesn't poo in the process. 

Today, Myriam decided to wake up from her nap and create a mess that was beyond repair. Mind you the smell started wafting from the living room as I approached the other gagging kids and disaster down the hallway. Once in the danger zone I found a pile on the floor and almost every white surface and spindle covered by the little artist herself including dread-like clusters in her hair. No tears. This chick was content playing with herself…barf!!!

So, after bathing Myriam twice and getting the first load of bedding in a sanitizing cycle, I attempted the crib. After an hour of disinfectant wipes I got a scrub brush and then almost another hour called it quits and got the screw driver. Currently, the poopy crib is outside our front door so I had to re-direct the pizza delivery boy as my good intentions of making dinner came to a halt and caved at West Side. 

Next came phone calls around town for a twin size mattress then asking my BIL for delivery service as Tim is out of town. 
As of 10 minutes after bedtime, I've gone in twice and Melissa once. We'll see how this works out, but crossing my fingers Myriam embraces this big girl business of a big mattress and decides to not use the entire room as her new canvas. 


  1. oh, my this brought back some (awful) (laughing) memories!! I think both my children did some 'finger painting' a couple of times each, using the medium that none of us wants to clean up!! Honestly, I can't even remember how I got it cleaned-- must have blocked out a great portion of that! Gah!! Motherhood; it aint for sissies. God bless ya Steph!

  2. This wasn't the first time with #2. Both girls now have matching bedding and Myriam went down for her nap without me having to remind her about laying down…unlike last night. That lasted 2 hours before she fell asleep! I will appreciate these days years from now!
