Intentional < Prevention = Surrender

I began the beginning of 2019 with a word full of purpose and anticipation for what would become the result of eleven single letters strung together. A word that would be the foundation to the decisions made, commitments had and reasons for saying "yes" or "no." 

{ I N T E N T I O N A L }

Done on purpose; deliberate, intended. 

Eleven letters that provided meaningful connections, ministry opportunities, family entertainment and deliberate laughter with those I love. From the big trips to the simple snuggles, focusing on being present in every moment became my motivation. God provided personal challenges that caused me to rely on Him more and desire to learn more about who I am as His child.

Summer was when I felt the shift begin. A shift of intentions and God introducing me to a new word that would come with uncomfortable situations, painful appointments and a deeper spiritual focus required to survive. 

{ P R E V E N T I O N }

I've spent time learning about prevention and the connection it has to the Bible. One online resource explains prevention as such:
"Prevent" occurs in the King James Version in the literal but obsolete sense of "to come or go before," "to anticipate," not in the sense of "to hinder." It is the translation of qadham, "to be sharp," "to be in front," "to be beforehand."  
For the past twelve years, I've had yearly mammograms to catch any precancerous tumors as a result of family history. A family history that has the University of Washington "excited" about building said family history tree going back generations deep with over six known cancers present. It's also led to two biopsies, days worth of worry and fear that can nearly paralyze oneself. Witnessing my sister and grandma's battle such an ugly beast looms before and during every screening appointment. 

"If these things exist in you, and continually increase, they prevent your being either idle or unfruitful in advancing towards a full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
2 Peter 1:8

Being intentional about my health led me to making steps to prevent destruction of my body. Together, Tim and I have had lengthy discussions about what this looks like. I've had numerous doctors review my charts, been on hold waiting for insurance approvals, scheduled and planned out of town appointments and now prepare for a disruption of normal routine. What I've done more of, is reflect on this word, prevention, and 
how it relates to faith. 

It's interesting to me how some words stand out as strong verbs, action words that cause movement in our heart, feet or minds. Other words inspire or encourage oneself. Many messages teach about following Jesus to secure our eternal life. We're taught how to live a good life using the Fruits of the Spirit and structure our lives with the Ten Commandments as boundaries. But rarely is the word prevention used to speak about eternal life. 

I can't help but think God is asking me to take more bold steps in preventing the opposite of eternal life; death. If I were to be completely honest with myself, I'm not sure I'm doing enough. Prevention from burning in hell. Prevention from corruption and disease. Prevention from mediocre faith. 

"For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire."
Galatians 5:17

Am I teaching our kids enough about Who God is?
Am I being the example that leads them into a personal relationship with God the Father?
How is my life preventing others from doom?
What am I doing from preventing the world infiltrating our family walls?
Am I doing enough to prevent another marriage collapse?

My flesh is imperfect. My flesh can at times be sick. Going back to my original word, God has not only given me the ability to be intentional this year but He's walked with me in the beginning journey of being in front of, to anticipate, my flesh potentially causing harm.

When I was told I would need breast screening every six months for the next twenty years, my heart sank. My first biopsy was just a few months after my sister had passed with emotions far from stable as I processed grief. I would go to the ends of the earth to bring Traci back to hear her encouragement and have her hold my hand like I did hers. Cancer is not present in my body, but being intentional about my health and present for my family has resulted in an upcoming surgery to prevent an anticipated negative diagnoses.

Over the past couple months, through conversations with Tim and quiet time with God, a
new word has come to surface.

{ S U R R E N D E R }

I believe it's in the intentions of my time, preventing something from happening, that God is asking me to surrender my humility, levels of comfort and control of my schedule.

Robert Schuller says, "Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation." 
I want to be fully alive. I want to be fully engaged. I want to have spectacular preparations in place to achieve the best outcome in 2020. This means many will have to surrender on my behalf and I say thank you in advance to the many hands making it possible for our family to keep moving forward.

My heart is already in God's hands. I've surrendered my plans for His.

I pray God gives you a special word to give purpose in everyday He grants you life. 
I will continue to seek blessings; the intentional ones and those that greet me with a little surprise. 
God is so good. 

"By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible."
Hebrews 11:3

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