Our Chuckles Turns Seven

Being three weeks early, gave Mommy and Daddy a little scare as you spent the first 24 hours connected to wires and machines with attentive nurses by your side. I saw pictures of you before I was able to hold you in my arms for a few minutes then had to be wheeled back to my room again, away from you. When you were cleared to come to my hospital room, I didn't want to let you go...that is until your older sister came to meet you and I had to share you with your proud sister. You two can fight with the best of them, but deep down you love each other so much! 
You are going to be an amazing, protective little and big brother. 

Hard to believe you are now seven years old??? 
Mommy and Daddy are extremely proud of how you are growing into a little man who loves Jesus and your family. God has given you a compassionate heart and quite a soft spot for others. You have been Auntie Traci's biggest cheerleader sitting through hours of treatments giving her snuggles and many healthy distractions. You have also been Nana's car buddy for years as she has put endless miles between Portland and home listening to kid movies and your, "Are we there yet?" I love listening to you sing in the car to our Praise and worship songs and can't wait to see if you follow in Daddy's steps in music. You have amazing basketball skills and I love watching you improve your dribbling and shooting.  Your favorite food continues to be steak and ribs. Favorite toys are still LEGOS and have now moved from Star Wars to Seahawks becoming quite the football fan. 

{ seven months }

 { two years old }

Our prayer as your Mommy and Daddy, is for you to embrace your faith and eternity as a child of God. We pray that you will continue to grow into a respectful little man and challenge yourself in everything you do. Don't ever stop smiling as your eyes light up and dimples show your cuteness. You light up a room! You will always be our little Charlie no matter how tall you grow. We are so proud of you and love you to pieces! 
Happy Birthday Chuckles!

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