Happy Birthday Man Cub

Our Man Cub turned twelve. 
A complete adoring, sensitive, compassionate, hardworking, smart, musical, caring dozen years of being our one and only boy child. 
Charlie's been working on his skills of desiring to be "just like Dad" when he grows up from the early years on and has perfected the look of the Mini Me of his Dad. 
The once chunky baby, has grown almost as tall as his Mama and can light the room with his sweet smile. He's quick to offer hugs, never goes to bed without saying his "I love you's" and, even though he fights well with his sisters, he still loves them all like any prince should when 
princesses are around. 
Playing his guitar and basketball continue to be his extra loves while doing chores remain low on the list of to-do's. Organization skills are lacking, but according to teen boy mom's, I'm prepared for further mess, stinky rooms and lack of tidiness being a lack of priority in his life. 
A happy dozen and parents to scream a dozen more times of how proud we are of what you've accomplished and will accomplish in your life. 
Thank you for loving Jesus and making it easy to love you. 
Happy Birthday Charlie!

{ Doin' the work.}

 { The handsome hunks of the home. }

 { Middle kid. We can always be so dramatic. This was a simple time-out turned into a complete meltdown. Parenting often requires the ability to not laugh while holding your ground. }

{ Adventurous is just one way to describe Charlie. }

 { After tourney hot shots with Nate Robinson }

{ I pray he always wants to be my date. }

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