Christmas Adventures

It's been all things Christmas here lately. 
Addison and I have been binge watching on Holiday Netflix catching ourselves smiling back at the TV in the expected guy-gets-girl classic movie ending. We've even managed to boot the guys to the basement a few times claiming all things cheese upstairs. 
Myriam has been learning about other styles of Christmas celebrations at school making for some interesting conversations. Meanwhile, Baylee has been learning all things potty training being surprised to learn that pee is indeed yellow (we're finally making progress here!).The playroom tree has been redecorated a few times by our little's and Addison taught Myriam how to make snowflakes so for awhile there was a continual trail of white paper pieces cut up all over the floor. I'm happy to report there was no hair cutting... Knock on wood it's been two years since the last self-inflicted mane style
Charlie has been focused on basketball in-between learning some new Christmas songs on his guitar. The Man Cub is gaining skills and picks up sheet music very quickly! Not sure I'd let him lead worship quite yet... 
Good to have goals!
Baylee has been playing with her new Christmas Tree stuffy 'Tiny Piney.' Her curiosity around the tree is high but no ornaments have been broken or gifts unwrapped. Yes, I have presents under the tree and all the kids think they have figured out the number system on the presents. I keep telling them, "You're not even close!" That's been fun to watch as they all try to guess what the gifts are and which are their own. 
As for fun, well, we paid an obnoxious amount of money to see Enchant Christmas which was an overpriced display of lights with gigantic reindeer lost in a Christmas light maze. We planned to ice skate but it cost more money and the line was too long for the amount of patience or attention left in our group. Can't say I'd go again but the family time we had was great... And we had no meltdowns or runners. Win!

{ Safeco Field: Enchant Christmas }

Tim's work party was earlier this month making our party line up simple and small. Mom and I went to the NCCTK Christmas Concert providing cheer, songs and laughter. The gingerbread houses are decorated and already being picked at with all Christmas cards stamped, handed out or ready to be sent. Addison and Tim decorated the office tree together and later her and I played cards by tree light. The score was tied by the end of the night!

This past weekend we went to see The Grinch in theaters and after, met Baylee's newest 1/2 sister at the hospital. There was a special moment as Naomi and I entered the nursery being asked who Mom was to Baylee. She without hesitation replied, "We both are!" Tim and I are very proud of the person and mom Naomi has become. We were happy to celebrate with the family!
My kitchen counters have a delicious display of cookies quickly disappearing into the hands of hungry children and Christmas music is usually always playing somewhere in the home.
My favorite part of December this far is the quiet moments sitting in my prayer chair with just the twinkle lights from the tree and fire mantel lighting the living room. Something magical happens starring at the Christmas tree. My thoughts get lost, memories reappear and excitement of 
what's to come brings a contented smile to my face. 

{ Welcoming baby Noella. }

I love all things Christmas. 
Yes, there are people missing but the beauty of Christmas remains. 
The Christmas crafts will continue and advent calendar opened daily. This next week Christmas breaks begins for the kids and the wish for snow becomes real. Our Christmas Day movie line up is already decided and groceries purchased for holiday snacks and meals. 
Baby Jesus... We are ready for You!
Merry Christmas. 

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