A Mother's Day Road Trip

Road trips. Not my favorite. 
If planned well, they can be tolerable.
Making sure you have ample car snacks is key to any road trip... that, and not scratched DVDs if possible! We loaded up on Starbucks and headed south on I-5 after the kids got home from school, managing to avoid most traffic, where we finally made it to our destination of Seaside, OR. Our heads hit the pillow just a little before midnight. It's a parenting success when you can transfer multiple sleeping kids to their own beds. Win. 
With full bellies from the nothing special breakfast at the Pig 'N' Pancake, our tribe made our way to feed the seals and play on the beach. Two must do's when visiting the ocean side town; breakfast special and the Aquarium. The seals are hilarious to watch as they show off for snacks, slapping their tummies and barking for attention. Always entertaining no matter your age.
From there the kids spun in circles on the carousel followed by time with the big kid (Daddy) in the arcade. Later that day we headed a little further south to Depoe Bay...things have changed slightly since we were there last...some had hair, others had shorter hair and no ring grazed my finger. We look like babies.

{ Notice I caught the bigger fish. }

 { Swinging, actually liking each other and exploring at Seaside, OR. }

Addison is always, let me repeat..ALWAYS, doing cart wheels, flips, back bends and trying new yoga poses. It didn't stop regardless of the sand. Myriam thought she was rich because of all the sand dollars she found and Charlie was feeling loved by all his princesses. There was sibling therapy at the bumper cars safely ramming into each other. The arcade proved to be a huge hit.

{ The Tribe. }

{ The well attempted family selfie. Myriam looks to be in pain. }

The main purpose of being in Depoe Bay was to support Tim's Mom and Step Dad as they renewed their wedding vows. We took full advantage of the family time and tried to pack in as much possible. The men of the family choose to go deep sea fishing which proved productive as Charlie caught the first two fish on the boat. While they were rocking and swaying, the girls explored in Lincoln City where we found clusters of seals resting on the beach and others playing in the swift moving inlet. The log littered beach was fun to walk through as well.
On the way back to our condo, we found an adorably quaint bakery with
delicious donuts and treats.
We had to stop.
Later that day the kids splashed in the pool and I even managed to get some much desired snuggles and naps with Myriam. It can be a challenge finding sweet moments with our second princess so when she allows and offers to snuggle I drop everything to accept.

 { Charlie and Daddy doing the boy thing deep sea fishing. }

 { Lincoln City & Newport }

 { Condo views and vacation...or nap time. }

The absolute best part of the weekend took only a few minutes, but was sweet reward from every parenting moment over the last thirteen years.
As we finished packing the car, Tim and each kid walked back inside carrying a pink rose and giving this Mommy the most priceless gift of all.
With every hand laid on me, each kid took turns praying over their Mama with Tim closing the prayer in forever cherished words.
The second best gift on Mother's Day was amazing kiddos who traveled eight hours in a car without fight or foe until we landed back home. Countless skittles, M & M's, goldfish crackers and fruit snacks were consumed to create such peace, but it went down as another parenting success.

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