Back to School x Three

I would like to think that I could have a hot shower without interruptions, enjoy a quiet cup of coffee and keep the house clean for a few hours before the kids come home from school...Wishful thinking. We are embarking on yet another year of home schooling adding preschool tasks and games to the mix. Addison and Charlie will be taking all day campus classes this year at Mp3 (Meridian Parent Partnership Program) on Monday and Wednesdays giving Myriam and I time to work on creative games, crafts, numbers and shape topics. 
We were hopeful with Myriam having her potty skills mastered by the time September came which proved itself too much for her. She's doing awesome, but not enough to meet the demands of the preschool we were trying to get her to attend. A quick change of plans, frantic trips to the Dollar Tree and Launching Success and now we have a great set up to meet this young ones needs. Although, anyone willing to play with our young one Tuesday and Thursday mornings is welcome to challenge her. It has become apparent that focusing with age three running around can be a 
struggle for our second and fifth grade students. 
Last week was a matter of review and testing the waters. This week is the official start of Mp3 as today we had Campus Orientation and figured out where all five classes are in the building. It was a challenge for me in high school mapping out where my classes were yet alone these young ones finding all five rooms! Teacher Jeff has been our Student Learning Planning Coordinator since first grade. He has watched Addison blossom into a young woman and go from the only one talking on the phone to having conversations in person. Knowing he's in the building and will come to the rescue is relief to the kids!

Even though there are moments of, "what the heck am I doing?" there are more sweet moments watching our kids mature, gain wisdom, stretch there knowledge and have precious time together as we begin this new school year. I'm not a perfect teacher. I'm not as organized and structured as I'd like to be. I drink too much coffee at the school table and would rather have happy kids than a perfectly dusted home. We have a roof over our heads, clean clothes, shoes that fit and love that keeps us together. Our faith keeps us moving forward and for that we are all thankful. My goal this year is to show the kids how they have a purpose; a reason to learn and a reason to be a blessing to others. If that means a few To Do's on the list go unnoticed then they sit for another day and another time. My goal is to show the kids how they are important and to instill confidence in their hearts to be successful in life. My goal is to challenge them to do things that may push them out of the box but knowing they are capable of doing so. 
Do I always love teaching the kids? No. Do I feel this is what God wants for our family? Yes. Do I judge others for not choosing this route? No, jealous they get that quiet coffee, time to read a book and house that 
sparkles a little longer than mine. 

{ Here's to 2015-2016 }

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