This last week My Hero had yet another test to prove that cancer has not taken over another area of her broken body. Her spirit is stronger than most, but after many years of treatments, pokes and illness things start to fall apart. After Friday's appointment, she was told once more that her tumor markers had gone up quite a bit.
This is devastating news as it simply says that cancer is growing somewhere; it's just a matter of finding it. Playing Hide-And-Seek with cancer is no fun task and it wreaks havoc on your emotions.
The one stable in all of My Hero's journey is her faith. She knows who calls her by name. She knows where her Home is and who she belongs too.
Recently, Tim and I canceled our traditional insurance and signed up with Medi-Share. It took Tim six months of questioning the poor fellow on the other end of the phone to make the step of faith into Christian Care. I had many questions myself and had many moments of, "Are you sure this is the right step for us?"
It wasn't until I was about to hang up this past week as I was asking more questions in regards to the first doctors visits, that I was certain we made the right choice. In conversations with my girlfriends or family members the question, "Can I pray for you?" comes up often enough that it doesn't leave me speechless. When I was done with all my millions of questions on Monday, the gentle, soft voice simply said before hanging up, "Is there anyway I can pray for you?"
I sat on the edge of my unmade bed with tears welling up in my eyes as the weight of too many diagnoses, unknowns of birth siblings and pain in other marriages had been collapsing me to my knees.
I could only say "No, but thank you for asking," before the tears were going to take over.
Medi-Share may not be the smartest choice in healthcare to the traditional insurance carrier. It takes faith to know that others in the program will pay each month in order to cover the many medical bills sent in every month. What we pay each month is tracked and we get to see the name of the family our payment assisted in covering another families bill. If we want to send a note of encouragement or additional gift we may.
In all my years of dealing with medical insurance, doctor bills and watching My Hero fight for prescription coverage and state coverage, never, have I ever been asked,
"Can I pray for you?"
It took me by surprise simply because our society has tried to erase faith from the foundation of this countries beginnings. This was a great reminder to continue to fight for truth in our schools, government and holidays. It will only get harder which means we, with Christ as our foundation, must fight louder, with more boldness and speak truth, humility and show grace in everything we do…..
even if it's at the end of an insurance phone call.
(Best part of this program is once you refer someone to Medi-Share and they actually sign up, you in return receive a $100 VISA gift card! Can't say Group Health, Blue Sheild or all the others we've had in the past have done that for us before. )