Recent Everyday Life

January is now almost done and life is back to routine and structure after Christmas and New Years. Addison has been doing awesome with her school studies and has finally broken the triple digit subtraction curse that brought tears to her eyes the moment I mentioned math. Charlie has made big strides as well in his ability to recognize his letters and numbers! I was getting a little nervous and we still have a ways to go but the school thing finally clicked for him and he now enjoys learning. Today he did his first addition problems too! I feel incredibly blessed to teach our kids and can't wait to see them expand their learning abilities.

Myriam has been busy as ever but thankfully out of the toilet! She's finally back on a decent schedule but sometimes bedtime comes early mid-bite at dinner time.

Addison is always up for abuse when it comes to making Myriam laugh! Part of her Physical Education involves using Myriam as weights which is always entertaining. Horse back riding seems to be popular lately.

Earlier this month the big kids were invited to Michaela's 4th birthday party at the Tickled Paint Studio here in town. I'm pretty sure the kids would go there everyday if I allowed them too!

Last week Chuckle's surprised Auntie Traci when she had her chemotherapy treatment! Charlie has been extremely emotional knowing Auntie doesn't feel well and has to have special medicine to make her better. This comes in the form of many tears followed with prayers and then drawing pictures for Auntie Traci. One thing is for sure...Charlie ADORES his Auntie!

While Charlie was at Auntie's, the Little Ladies spent time at Auntie Lindsay's...overnight! They had a blast even though Auntie got little sleep or rest. I figured it was a healthy introduction to having multiple children!

I'm so thankful for family that loves our children and who in Charlie's words "spoil" them often. 

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