Whatcha Reading?

The table next to my prayer chair usually has multiple books in a stack that are all being dabbled in at one given time. Whether it be articles or essays, read many of those lately, or a book on random topics, I have it sitting next to me. I wish I had more time to read and have found that to be an area of discipline in my life needed. I love nothing more than to get lost in a good story or find challenges and inspiration from true stories. Here are a few I have read over the past few months. 

Marilyn was a friend of my sister Traci. I met her many times and always heard stories of the family through Traci. She writes a beautiful memoir of loosing her son to war and the lament that followed. I was challenged in my own lament reading through the pages, but also found it extremely encouraging as I was walking through grief.  Anyone who has lost a loved one by war should read this. 

I just finished this short book about a Dad who lost three loved ones in a tragic car accident; his mother, his beloved wife and four year old daughter. Heartbreaking story, but Jerry Sittser writes in a gentle approach that conveys hope, faith and finding growth through grief. All three loved ones are buried locally with ties to our small town. Sittser also has some great lectures on YouTube. 

I would read this again and again. I find something new revealed to me every time I read this. Addison recently read this copy as well; Auntie Traci's favorite book. You can apply any situation into this story. Yes, a fiction, but I find so many parallels to faith and how we should live in this story. I can't say enough good things about this book! Based from the scripture in Habakkuk 3:19, this story comes alive as Much Afraid finally reaches the High Places.

Start to finish; read this on a flight to the beach. What an incredible testimony to friendship and determination! I'm glad to have read the book first; next is the movie. I had a hard time setting this one down. I was incredibly inspired by these friends' trust in each other, willingness to go and found interest in seeing the country they pushed through. 

Read this in a day. Easy read; very tangible challenges. Beauty Marks is all about using your scars from all and any situations in life to tell others about God's goodness. This is written by a mother whose daughter suffered an extreme brain injury after their entire family was hit head on by a drunk driver. I think anyone could read this and have some take away of truth applied to their lives. 

I'm always looking for new books to recommend to hurting wives and finding new ways to improve communication. Gary Chapman has very easy reads and has simple layouts to take the most away from this book. This is an updated version to The 5 Languages of Apology. 

This was a powerful, powerful book! My prayer life was stretched reading through this book. I actually just picked up the workbook that goes along with this and will be reading through the book again. So many amazing, goose bump God stories laid out in the pages. Highly recommend reading this book. 

 I read one random chapter at a friends house and knew I needed to get my own copy. Lusko writes about his personal story of loosing his daughter before Christmas, but finding power in charging towards the roar rather than allowing depression and sorrow to defeat his joy. This is more than a book about grief. Much about this book can be applied to all life. Such an incredible story. 

Love God Greatly Journals has many different studies to choose from, but recently I worked through Walking in Wisdom with friends and did the Broken and Redeemed on my own. Six week studies that are simply scripture and asking God to reveal truth in His Word. I loved the online journals and videos that coincided with the daily readings. I would definitely choose another from this series. 

Pick up a book and tell me what you're reading!

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