Spring Life, Charlie-ism's, and Myriam's First Haircut!!!

As the days get longer and the sun makes brighter appearances, so do the crazy things that happen outside... Let me indulge you with a few of the things that bring me joy (and frustration too at times) with some Charlie-ism's.

Situation: I'm busy doing the hair thing as the kids are busy doing the outside thing. Charlie opens the sliding door and says with passion and exhaustion,"Mommy, can I PLEEEEASE come inside. I need some air." Bahahahahaha!!! Buddy, hate to tell you but you're in the freshest air you can find! Needless to say Aunt Betty and I had a good healthy laugh with that one!!!

{ Charlie and Myriam making funny faces for me. Charlie and his friend Tomato, the Potato bug }

Or what about this one... I had told the kids it was time to come inside to get cleaned up and ready for bed. In attempts to stall and get out of picking up toys Charlie cries and says while holding his hip and back cheek,"Mommy, I broke my wrist!!!!" Hmmm... "I broke my wrist!!!" It helps to hold the right body part when trying to prove to me that you can't help. Nice try!

This was the best...I'm inside cleaning (I do that often) and I hear Charlie become hysterical outside. So I go see and find Charlie's one side covered with dirt as he's claiming he can't breath. He tells me he fell out of the tree at first but once he calms down he says quietly,"I might have run into the tree." Hahahaha!!!!! Oh the stories I have from my Charlie! Mommy loves the joy you bring to my ordinary days!!!!

{ Myriam, Addison, and Michaela sharing a slide together at the City Park as well as the three being friendly in the tunnel slide }

Last week Myriam began what many of us battle with during this time of year: ALLERGIES! The problem was the hair I swore I would never cut kept getting glued to her face from her snot. GROSS! So I did it... I cut her hair and gave her bangs! Funny thing was when I showed Myriam the first piece of hair I cut she gave me her actress sappy face and pretended to cry!!!! She managed to sit still for the 5 minute trim and I actually like it! Myriam has a talent of pulling ponies, piggies, and any or all hair bows I get in her hair for 2 minutes. With bangs I can just spritz her curls and let her go!

{ Before and during Myriam's first haircut }

{ After with just two of the MANY Myriam faces she graces us with all day long }

Addison had a great time at the Whatcom County Youth Fair the end of Spring Break! Her best friend Annie came with her as they worked on Shadow the miniature pony. Addi loves to groom the horses but she's still a little unsure about riding them. Seeing Addi light up around the horses is therapeutic but also brings her happiness!


And most recently, I took the kids to Woodland Park Zoo for a field trip and fun! We spent almost four hours at the park checking out one animal after another. Addison loved to be the keeper of the map directing us from one cage to another as Myriam took in all the sights from her four wheels. Charlie loved the arctic wolves and the big tree and tunnels to play in. The monkey's were a highlight as well as the bugs and HUGE spider NOT behind the glass. GROSS!!! The weather was perfect but unfortunately I can't say the same about the traffic.  Thankfully, all three kids fell asleep after our refreshing Starbucks smoothies making the trip home go a little faster for them. 

{ peaceful }

So now we wait for the leaves to pop out a bit more, the bushes to fill out, and flowers to bloom. The school days are nearing the end and the neighborhood laughter grows louder. Soon it will be time for some S'moresma's too!!!

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