There is some panic, excitement and nerves all bundled together for this upcoming school year that is quickly approaching our family.
We've made some pretty big changes that are quite different than any years past and once found, our routine and school schedules should be absolutely perfect for our kids. It has our three Little's in three different schools, but each one with their individual needs being perfectly met.
It started last Spring when Charlie and I finally decided to make a huge change; time for me to be just Mommy and not teacher. Yes, I cried and he smiled with glee, but in the end it's what's best for him and his needs. We filled out registration forms for Fisher and talked about having to be up and out of PJ's by 7:30am. We stressed the longer days, potential bus rides and homework schedules that come home after the school hours are completed. Still...happiness. I know we made the right choice, but both Tim and I didn't have peace about it quite yet until we had the doors open up to explore Ebenezer Christian School.
With the nudge of a few neighbors and friends we interviewed Mr. Buss then the roles reversed and we sat in the hot seats followed by Charlie taking an entrance test. Can I just say how terribly nervous I was for this??? If this kid bombs this test it not only reflects his poor learning abilities but MY ABILITY to teach him! Thankfully, Charlie did amazing impressing the principal and reading through the fourth grade sight words with ease. It only proved to me once again that he does so much better for others than myself.
In two weeks, Charlie will step up on to his first bus ride to school (you bet I'll be taking pictures!) and will start a new journey of education in a "real" school. Tim and I are really excited for the friendships that he has with a few third grade buddies already and those that will bond over the years to come.
Thank you Ebenezer Family for welcoming us and making this change for this Mommy an easy one!
Addison will be staying put exactly where she flourishes best: at home starting sixth grade. She will be continuing with Mp3 (Meridian Parent Partnership Program) and Teacher Jeff Caraco will be our go-to student coordinator for the sixth year in a row now. She plans to take three campus classes then four here at home. With just one student at home, writing student lesson plans was an easy afternoon task and all but one purchase order has already been made. Many of Addi's friends have started on newer education plans at different schools so she's a little sad that she won't be able to see them twice a week at school. I give it a year and she'll be stepping on the bus with Charlie.
Myriam is super happy to be starting school again at Lynden Middle School in the Intermediate Preschool Program. Just yesterday she told me she was ready to go to school! This year she will be going in the afternoon for a couple of hours four days a week. Her backpack is already to go and school clothes are washed and hanging for her to wear. Thanks for hand-me-downs I didn't have to purchase hardly anything besides shoes to get her ready for the fall. What I love most about Myriam's school program is the hands on, one to one teaching with all the aid, therapy and attention needed for her little mind to grow and learn. Both of us are ready for a routine for her to fall into soon!
So, with a small list of things needed we are almost ready to say...
Here's to the last full week before packed lunches, sharpened number two pencils get busy and first day of school begins!