...and Friends are Friends forever...

What a true gift it is that those we've picked have stuck with us and given us memories, laughter and encouragement when needed. Tim and I are proud of our kids who have made some awesome friends through school, church and around home. I can't imagine doing life without Jesus; I can't imagine doing life without His blessings...

 { Rock Pizza with Brevin, Dexter, Drew & Charlie. }

Shout out to this guy, Brevin Zylstra, ( and his amazing mom Bridget ) who sacrificed a Saturday afternoon to introduce these little guys to the ultimate of card trading shows. Brevin is double Charlie's age, but never has that stopped him from playing football, basketball, trading football cards or simply hanging out together. Yesterday they even went down together making all too much contact with the pavement while playing. It is a huge blessing to have young men in Charlie's life setting the example and influencing his choices. We couldn't have found better neighbors and I pray for Brevin as he's now a freshman, to continue to see himself as a mentor and hero to the little guys in the neighborhood. Brevin, thank you for being a stud!

 { Not planned; it just happens. }

Addison and Annie share so much of the same from the middle name to very often the same clothing and also personalities. They truly are best friends and have a very strong connection with each other. Whether Addison is the one filming and Annie the one acting, these two have spent countless hours making silly videos, playing Barbies, relaxing and doing their fair share of eating too. Annie was so patient with Addison when we moved here 9 years ago as she was fighting to find her voice in front of others. Once those barricades came down it's been non-stop chatting and giggles. 

Add one more and you have these three who very often this summer were seen biking together...literally. Jordan is a couple grades older, but still finds her place when playing with the double A's. It's been quite the ride watching these girls grow up into their tween years. In a blink of an eye, they'll be trading their bikes in for vehicles. Yikes. 

{ When one ages, we celebrate. }

I read recently a quote that said, "Only those who care about you can hear you when you're quiet."
That is very true for these girlfriends. If a text goes unread someone is bound to ask, "What's up? You're quiet."
When you find people to live life with, it's hard to get rid of them especially when God gives you so much to experience together. These ladies are the sweet spot in my life. When one is down, the other lifts them up. When tears flow we never make the one feel left out and meet them where they are emotionally. We sweat together, run together, play together, worship and pray together. There is accountability and trust which is the foundation of our friendships. I pray for these God-fearing women daily and thank Jesus for making 
my life brighter with their friendships. 

There are so many more friendships in our life worth mentioning. Mentor partners, prayer partners, old school friends, the church body, work friendships, family friends...It's those that force you to grow deeper in your faith, stretch you to new heights and force smiles on your face that make the biggest impact. Don't wait to tell them how much they mean to you. Don't hesitate to ask if something needs to be done or to randomly bless them with a coffee, a visit, a note of gratitude or opportunity to play. Yes, some friendships are meant for a season, but ultimately, those can be picked up like it was yesterday when seen again. My prayer is that all I gain from my friendships, I can return to those around me. 

To all of our friends, we say thank you for loving us, supporting us 
and making memories with us. 

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