Can She Really Be 11?

In the rush of packing and organizing where everyone will be and go during our trip, was Addison's 11th birthday! Thanks to some dear friends, we were able to enjoy the last of the hot summer sunshine as Addi and her friends splashed in celebration. 
I honestly can't believe it's been 11 years since I held her for the first time. 
Oh, those sweet moments where it was just the three of us and there was no pull of attention from others. It's amazing how you can look at your babies face and years later still see those engaging eyes, the innocence of her youth and need for mommy to still hold and snuggle what I see as my baby girl. How the newborn face then changes into a pre-teen, but still holds the qualities you held for the first was like yesterday. Oh, sappy moment. 
Addison, Daddy and Mommy were smitten by your beauty from the moment we met you and still are stunned by your beauty today. God has helped you walk through some silent moments and gave you a voice that now encourages, has fun, shares advice and offers compassion to those that need it. You have made solid friendships that we all adore and know that Jesus loves you which gives you a foundation for life. We are so proud of how hard you study for school and love to see your gift of creating things turn into beautiful art work. I love that my love for organizing things has been passed on and that you have a talent of styling hair. Daddy loves that he has a riding partner for his motorcycle. 
You balance us well!
Thank you for trusting us with your life. Thank you for giving us grace in our parenting and forgiving the first time try-outs as we grow with you. Thank you for always offering to help even when you don't feel like it and being an amazing big sister...button pushing and all!
If you can slow down the growing up I would appreciate it...
Knowing that won't happen, thanks for wanting to still hang out with your Dad and Mom, for going and having your nails done together and for still needing a snuggle or two. Your beauty goes further than skin deep as Jesus flows through you like a shining star. Addison, you are a complete joy to watch as you grow and mature. Happy Birthday Sweets!

{ Pool Party }

{ Annie, Addi, Kayden, Eve, Jordan, Teija, Darla & Pearl }

 { Shark bait, Crunchy Seashells, Long Boards (bacon per request), Fish Chum & Pool Noodles. Addi choose to make her own cake and did a fabulous job. }

{ Thank you Hollie for the delicious Cake Pop Beach Balls! }

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