Bald IS Beautiful

Been there; done this twice before. Third times a charm.
Grandma is down three chemotherapy treatments and with that comes hand-full hair loss. That's quite common and Grandma was prepared with a beautiful wig in place along with a few hats. My mom held it together after a brief "I'm going to loose it" moment and continues to be the rock we all love and adore. 
Grandma was ready. So were my clippers….

 { Pre-buzz cut with mom - isn't she pretty?! }

 { Mid-cut; mid-sentence…go figure. }

 { Post-cut with her fashion forward wig. }

We love you so much Grandma! 
I know with your faith as solid as a rock and the family ready to hold you up when you're too weak to stand, we can conquer ANYTHING that comes in our way. 

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; 
but a women who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Proverbs 31:30

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